Friday, July 30, 2010

Garmisch, Germany

**Friday Fill-In is posted below**

As you know already, I spent the week in Germisch, Germany as a chaperone for Summer Camp with the Youth Center. I love working there because I get to go on beautiful trips like this one. We had 23 youth join us, and everyone one of them were fantastic and listened well. It was about about a 5 hour drive there, and I finally got to sit in the front seat on the charter bus. [I am usually in the back, and get sick].

When we made it there, we unloaded and the kids picked their spot to sleep on the bunkbed of their choice. We stayed in a rustic cabin that held two big rooms. One held rows of bunkbeds and two shower rooms. The other room held an open area with tables lined up, a fire place, and a kitchen to cook in.

Once we were all settled, we got geared up to do a hike. Lately, I have had an interest in a hike, so I was pretty excited. The hike was pretty hard, I am not going to lie. We had plenty of the kids having a very rough time with it, but they didn't give up. It took a little over 3 hours to get to the top after we climbed around trees, walked through rivers, and cirlced up and up. The view was gorgeous the whole time we were walking. As I waited for youth to catch up, I snapped a picture.

At the top, this house was waiting for us on a gorgeous open pasture with sheep and cows wandering around. We stopped and ate here to regain our strength for the walk down. I ate some kind of macaroni meal with smoked ham and mushrooms in it. It was pretty tasty for being my first German meal.

On the second day, we split the kids up into two groups. One group went on a bike ride and the other group got to spend the morning downtown. Of course, I took the group that went downtown since I am not a strong bike rider. On the way there, we had to walk along the river. The scenery was so beautiful and peaceful. Here is a snapshot of me and my friend Nicole on the bridge crossing that river, and another one of the river.

Downtown made you feel like you were on the set of a movie. It was not like any other place I have ever been before. I love living in Italy, done get me wrong, but Germany was a dream. Italy is nasty and dirty, and Germany was clean and cared for details. Every building was created differently, and all had different features to make it unique. I got to go through many souvenier shops, and I got myself an old beer stein. I wanted a coo coo clock really badly, but they were quite expensive. I also got to enjoy a German lunch with my friend Nicole. We ate at this cute outdoor place and munched on bratwurst and sauerkraut. It was the first time I have ever tasted sauerkraut and it was pretty yummy. It had a pickle taste to it, and I love me some pickles.
Once we got back from downtown, we took the youth to a Ropes Course. I went, but did not participate. I am deathly afraid of heights, so my job was to wander the grounds checking on them and encouraging them along. They all did a great job, and couldn't believe how far they would go!

Since we were in the middle of no where in a rustic cabin. We would get woken up with a group of cows. They do not gate them in here like they do in the states [Shelby Farms]. Therefore, they just wander and wander eating grass. They have to have these bells around their necks so their owners can hear them So, it sounds like a bunch of wind chimes waking you up in the morning. The youth loved going up and petting them, and it made me want to try and milk a cow one day.

That night, we made a bonfire and grilled hot dogs and made smore's. I especially loved this part of the trip because I absolutely love bonfires. I like being able to put something on a stick, cook it, and then eat it...No mess to clean up. Also, I love being able to chill in my chair for hours getting warm and drinking some wine. [minus the wine on this trip : ( ]

We took the youth on a history tour this day, and I found it interesting because this is the only thing I really liked in history. This is the wall that contains the names that were killed in WWII. It was a very peaceful and respectful area.

At one point in the city, Americans came down and started to fight Hitler and his clan and rescued a group of Jews and took them away to a safe place. The Germans created a church on the top of the hill where the action took place to remember all the people who helped, but lost their lives that day. I wish I could have stayed to read everyone in the church, but didn't have enough time.

Around the church, the youth found a pretty awesome playground and we let them go have fun for awhile. And yes, I decided to have a little fun as well. Here I am going down the biggest slide I have ever seen!

That night we went to see Toy Story 3 in 3D. It was my first time to ever see a 3D movie, so I was all giddy. The movie was great, but totally geared more towards adults than kids. It also had a sad ending which I was not expecting. The next day, it was time to pack up and head on home. It was so nice to see my bed again, and see Jack running around. I would love to live in Germany if it didn't have the weather. It rains and snows a lot there, and those two are not my cup of tea. I asked Gregg this morning if we could move there, and he said "No way." Awe Man!!! lol. Well, until next time, later!

Friday Fill-In

Join in at Wife of A Sailor

1.What is your spouse’s best feature?
I love Gregg's arms, and I think he does an amazing job keeping them up to perfection. I always like to hold on to the arm when we are walking because I feel safe.

2.Mild, Medium or Hot sauce?
Mild. I like Mild sauce more for the flavor taste than the spicy taste. When a sauce gets to spicy, I forget about the flavor and then I just feel ugh!

3.What is the worst uniform you had to wear for a job?
I had to wear Kakhi's (sp?) and a red polo. It sounds fine, but it is actually a lot more annoying than you think. The kakhi's had to touch your knee's, the shirt tucked in, a belt on, and your hair pulled back. We always got compared to the Target employee's which was annoying as well.

4.You have invisible powers… where is the first place you would go?
I would appear on the next movie set Channing Tatum is starring in. He is soo scrumptous...yum!

5.What’s left on your “to do” list for this summer?
Finish school, clean the car, deep clean the house, and read two more books!

Monday, July 26, 2010

What I Learned...

What I learned this week...
[1] Saying goodbye to a friend never gets easier.
[2] Finding someone in Italy that knows how to make a Cosmopolitan does not mean you should ask for another one.
[3] Sleeping for one hour will make for a very hilarious ride to the airport with your good friends.
[4] Dining with friends really takes your mind off of things, and you end up with some really great stories.
[5] God will protect me and my husband and only he knows the plan for us.
[6] That the movie Inception is definitely a great watch for my husband, but will send me in confused state of mind for days.
[7] The beach really does pass the time, and enjoying that time with friends and Mimosa's makes it extrodinary!
[8] Finding a new workout partner is not that hard to do; Thanks Lauren!
[9] I should find a way to get motivated with school again because I am slacking.
This week, I will have to miss out on Top 2 Tuesday, Wishful Wednesday/Wordless Wednesday, Throwback Thursday, and maybe Fill-In Friday! Sorry guys, but I will be traveling to Garmisch, Germany!

I will be there for work and what we have planned is going to be great. The week starts off with a hike up the mountains and a rope's course, then biking and archery, and then Toy Story 3 in 3D! Yep, that's right...I am pretty excited. The only thing I am not excited about is the bus ride up there and having to supervise all night long. UGH! I will definitely need some time to recoperate after this trip. So, see you guys next weekend!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Jack the Cuddler

Today, I have been trying to get the house cleaned as fast as I can for reasons I will explain later, and I am going a lot faster than I thought I would. When I came back upstairs from putting the sheets in the washer, I found Jack all curled up in the down comforter. He looked so cute and made me want to curl up right with him and take a nap!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday Fill-In

[1] Besides the horizontal mambo, what do you miss most when your spouse is deployed?

Besides the horizontal mambo, I would have to say that my most missed activity while my husband is deployed are the days he would play wrestle with me. We always got lots of giggles out of it, and as much as I said I hate it while he is doing it, I miss it so much.

[2] What do you miss least?

Oh, this is easy...The pile up of mountain dew cans on the coffee table or computer desk that leaves rings...GRRR!!

[3] You only get three crayons to finish your picture… which three do you choose and why?

Blue because its calming and usually have some sort of sky in the picture, green because that is one of my favorite colors, and probably purple because it is another favorite!

[4]If you could have your own fragrance, what would it be called?

If I had to name my own fragrance, that would be pretty tough because I am not good with coming up with stuff like that. If I had to choose something right at this moment, it would be Intrigue. For some reason, I have really been into that, I have to do a paper on the word for my Writing class.

[5] If the shoes make the man (or woman), what do your shoes say about you right now?

My shoes say that I want to be stylish, but comfy. I do buy heels all the time, but I do tend to put some money into them because they need to be comfy. That is the same way I am with my sandals. I can't buy the sandals that have a hard bottom because they kill my feet, so it has to have some sort of cushion in them.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday

This is my first time doing Top 2 Tuesday, and I am really excited about it. I see a lot of my blogger friends doing it, and I thought I would join in since I miss doing Tuesday's List. So, here it goes...

This weeks Top 2 Tuesday is Top 2 Things I Want to Purchase:
If I was to purchase two things right now, they would be some new black pumps, and a pencil skirt. I find those two things very esstential in a girl's closet, and I don't have either one of these.

[1] First, I would start off with some new BCBG strappy heels. My old BCBG heels have had enough, and are ready to be thrown away. I absolutely adore BCBG for their shoes because they are comfy and absolutely hott!

[2] Second, would be a pencil skirt that fits me well. I would love to own this because I think it brings out a girls curves beautifully. I hope to find one that will look good on me soon!

Wouldn't those two things just look great together with a blouse and a clutch in hand?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday's Highlights

[1] Had the advantage to sleep until 13:00 today, and yes, I took it. Waking up that late gave me a headache, but it was nice to not have to be anywhere early for a change. I am loving the days I have off now because it lets me focus on myself before Gregg makes his way home.

[2] I had my Chocolate shakes tonight again, and I really wish I did not have them sometime. When I get the shakes it makes me crazy searching all around the house to find that one candy bar that is no where to be found. Then, I make the drive to the grocery store to buy just that one candy pathetic? I know. But it keeps me from curling up in a ball screaming at nothing.

[3] I prepped myself for the week, and I happy to say I am off again on Thursday. So, I will be planning something for myself in order to enjoy the day. Who knows, maybe a day at the dog park will be nice?

[4] I got asked to go on the summer camp trip to Germany starting the 27th, and I am happy about that. Some of our plans are to include a bike ride, hike, Toy Story 3 movie in 3D, and more. The only thing left to do for that is pack, and find someone to watch Jack.

[5] Yesterday, I went ahead and purchased the hubby's birthday gift, and I am super excited about it. I know I won't be able to touch it, but I am going to want to use it as much as he does. I wish I could tell you blogger friends what I got him, but I have realized he likes to check the blog out from time to time.

[6] I have made it half-way through Eat, Love, Pray, and I absolutely enjoying it. I can't put it down because it has made me grin from ear to ear, have that feeling of oh so good, and kind of sad due to the relating of certain feelings. I can't wait to see what happens next, and most of all, I can't wait to see the movie. Having Julia Roberts as the main character also makes for some excitement because I just love her!

[7] Since I have been preparing for the hubby's leave that is scheduled at the end of next month, I have started thinking about certain things...mostly, what homecoming outfit to wear. Frankly, anything in the closet will do just fine, but I always like the day to be all new. All new butterflies, new hugs and kisses, new walks through the doors, and new outfit! I was browsing a website a fellow blogger posted today [], and wouldn't I just look too cute showing up to pick the husband up in this dress?

Or this dress, a bit more casual...
Or this...

I would definitely play up all three of these choices with some heels. But, I just don't know if I could bring myself to buying a new dress. We'll see...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday Song

On this very quiet laid back Sunday, all I can really think about are the days Gregg and I would drive down the country roads from our Italian apartment in Barbarano blaring this song. It would always bring smiles to our faces, and joy to our hearts. Well, at least for me it did...I don't know about him, but it looked like it did.

A lot of Dean Martin's songs bring back memories for me. Especially the song That's Amore because my family use to love gathering the living room to watch Remember Me. It was the true Italian movie that will bring a smile, tears, and laughs into the room. It was a great Meatxas family night when that movie is played...wish I owned a copy.

Also, the song called Aint That A Kick in the Head reminds me of my mom. She introduced me to the movie called Fools Rush In, and I absolutely love that movie. Such a classic...also wish I owned. It was a great love movie because it had a happy, a sad, and a happy all over again. I can't stand the love movies that are complete love and thats about it. Every love story has some point in time when there is a challenge, and this movie gives off a true challenge. Its a must see!

So, I will leave you with Dean Martin singing Mambo Italiano...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Smile for the Camera..Not.

A lot of Gregg's friends put up pictures of the guys during deployment, and I always look through them trying to find one good picture of Gregg..Nope, no luck. He says he avoids the camera all the time, and if he is in a picture, then he doesn't notice it is being taken. And yes, every picture I have of him during deployment, he looks like he is Ga Ga Land! Here are some picture so you guys can see what I am talking about...

He is actually looking, but really, do you have to be all the way in the back?

Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday Fill-In

I noticed another blogger was doing this fun post, and I thought I would try it out a few times to see if I would like to join in...Everyone likes to talk about themselves, right? ha.
If you are a military spouse, and would like to join in, simply go to Wife of a Sailor.

1. What food reminds you of your spouse?
A steak always reminds me of my husband considering the fact that it is his favorite, and he is great at cooking it. When its steak night at our house, he usually grills a fantastic steak while I prepare mashed potatoes from scratch, and spinach the ole country way. It always so filling for me, but my husband enjoys every bite! Also, sushi reminds me of my husband because that is one particuar food he introduced me too, and we both love it. There is a place here in Italy called Zushi that we like to go to for date nights sometimes. We usually order the 50 piece boat so we can get a little taste of everything. But now that we are trying to be a little healthier, not ordering that boat is going to be a tough one for us!

2. Would you rather sit next to in a cross-country plane ride: an irritating non-stop talker, or a quiet stare-er?
Oh, this is a tough one. I guess the irritating non-stop talker because I usually take meds to fall asleep anyway. Having someone stare out you for long periods of time is wierd...especially when you are sleeping.

3. What are your best tips on how to save money?
Eat at home as much as you can, it saves you money and you eat healthier. Also, be sure to always check the sales rack before the regular priced rack. More than likely, you will find something that will do just fine.

4. What is your favorite summer memory?
My favorite summer memory is when we always got the family together to go to Gulf Shores. It was so relaxing to just sit on the beach all day with nothing to do, but share laughs with the family. Since Gregg and I won't be in Italy after this summer anymore, we are hoping to do a couple summers like that witht he family again.

5. Do you believe in ghosts?
I do not believe in ghosts, but I do believe in spirits, and those are two very different things. I seem to think they are all around us so that way we don't feel alone. I am hoping my brother is with me or my family. It would be nice...

Here It Is!!

YAY, my new layout is finally up, and I am so excited! Isn't it cute? Now, I will finally be starting the new activities that I explained here.

During the past week, midterm week arrived. Monday was Writing 291 and Wednesday was IFSM 304 (Computer Ethics). The Writing midterm was nice and breezy, and I walked out of the room feeling confident in my grade. Computer Ethics was not that bad as well, but I felt like she didn't give us enought time to do our best on it. I'm hoping my grade for the midterms will be in next week. The waiting period is always hard when I know I did a good job on something.

During work yesterday, I was given a compliment on how hard I have been working. I guess things do not go unnoticed, and you are rewarded for good behavior. It did make me blush, and the rest of my day got even better!

**This paragraph was deleted for certain reasons...Sorry you missed it!**

The haircutting process also happened yesterday (Thursday). It is not the haircut I wanted at all, but I guess it will do. I came in with a picture of a cute little bob that stopped right under the chin. I was getting tired of my long hair and wanted a short summer look. Well, the hairstylist said right as I showed it to her, "You will not look good with this hairstyle." Shocked and indecisive I can be, I let her do her thing. So, the hair is right at the top of my sholders with a side bang. It does have a few more layers than what I am use to, but it works. I am just hoping I can style it the same way she did. And dont worry, I am getting my pictures taken tonight, so you have have a new pic either tonight or tomorrow. I would not leave you guys hanging!

I have been having a lot of girl night recently and I don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing. It gets my mind off of stress fro awhile, and I love being able to vent to someone. However, my house gets neglected of cleaning, and the homework gets pushed aside until the last minute. I just can't help hanging out with them because they are all such great ladies! Justine comes home in 4 1/2 weeks, and I am super super excited about that!! I will have so much to do, it won't even be funny!! I need to start preparing for her homecoming!

Anyways, the weekend has just started for me, and I have so much to do. Hopefully, I will be able to get on here again soon! Until next time, later!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Christmas in July

Hi Blogger Friends!

Just wanted to let you guys know that Christmas in July starts TOMORROW!! Yay, this is so exciting. If you do not know what it is, but would like more information...Simply click the picture below or go to Paige's blog.

Here are the shops/sites that are being featured this week:

*All Things Pretty


*Sugar Owl Design

*Blue Artichoke Designs

*Little Bittle Designs

*Childish Thoughts

*Melissa Hardin Photography

So, get to it friends!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Malta Malta Malta!!!

Got the time to finally post pictures of my trip to Malta. It was a great trip with a greta group of girls. So much happened, but I can only showcase the highlights. There were seven of us that went [Me, Elena, Nicole, Lindsay, Abby, Dana, and Dena]. We stayed in an apartment style place on the strip where all the fun happens. When you walk out of the apartment, you get three clubs and one gentlemens club on the right, and you get about four to five clubs to the left. It was a crazy place that you think is only in people's dreams, but no its really there. I am sure whoever owns the strip makes tons of money because the place was packed every night. We also got to enjoy a few World Cup games while we there which brought a lot of people.

Anyways, I'll let the pictures do more of the talking now.

Here we are at the Treviso airport getting ready to board the plane. It was my very first RyanAir flight, and although it wasn't the smoothest, it made for good laughs.

We are starting to land. The island was not that big so when they announced on the intercom that we were landing, it took me forever to find land.

We arrived in Malta, and we were super excited!! Finally, we got to get away from rainy Italy and on to sunny Malta! It felt so good.

Our first night out on the town. We just wanted to test the waters, but ended up staying out until six in the morning having a blast. We shared cocktails, I had my first hookah, danced to many songs, and finished the night with Burger King.

And of course, I cheered on U.S.A. when they played int he World Cup. Along with Italy since I live here right now. But good ole America will be in my heart forever.

Here we are boarding our private little boat to go explore the Blue Lagoon. It has the clearest waters, huge caves, gorgeous sun! The ride there was a bit more extreme than we thought it would be. We were soaked from head to toe by the time the 45 minute ride got there, but it made for good memories once again.

See? The water is just gorgeous! Be careful though; laying out next to these waters without repplying every half hour will get you mighty red. Apparently once every hour was not enough for me. I definitely learned my lesson!

Here are all us at the Blue Lagoon!

Here I am with Elena and Nicole enjoying the Huge Caves Malta has to offer.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Much Needed Bubble Bath

Have you ever wanted a night where you were able to make yourself a bubble bath, light some candles, and just relax with a glass of wine? Don't you want to feel relaxed and calm?

I would love that right! I have not been able to take a bubble bath so I can relax in a very long time. It seems as though it is just a waste of time when I have so much on the to-do list to do.

I remember an old co-worker (massage therapist) gave me some stress reliever bath oil for one of my wedding presents to use the week I was getting married, and I loved it. I still have a little bit of it. It is some great stuff, and I can't think of a better time to use it (mid deployment).
So, when I have off on daily to-do list has bubble bath on it! Its on the list, so I can't ignore me time...along with a haircut!

Now, that I have a few trips done..I think its about time I stay a little closer to home for awhile. I have seen a lot this year, and I am forever grateful. I will be dedicating my time now to school and saving money. Gregg and I have a lot going on in the upcoming year (2011), and I want to be prepared for whatever life brings our way. I also need to be refocused on my school work. I have been slacking lately, doing only the bare minimum since I haven't been home a whole lot. This semester seems to be wanting a lot of my free time, and I just don't know if I have enough free time to dedicate to writing. Anyways, enough about school...

I have started to read a lot more before bed, and I absolutely love it! I just finished Secrets of a Shoe Addict, and I absolutely adored it! It had just about everything I like to read about it in it. Now, I am starting to read Twenties Girl. I am only 30 pages into it, so I haven't decided if I should keep reading or if its going to be something I am going to dread finishing. I am still waiting for the library to get Emily Giffin's new book out, and the book called Eat. Pray. Love...or however way it goes. The library is a little slow on recieving books here, so I have been waiting patiently.

I got to talk to Gregg again tonight, and it was so nice! I love when he is in a good mood, and the conversation just flows. We are both dying for Septemeber to get here, and it can't come any faster! Plans are still being made on what we will do, and I get more and more excited as the time comes. However, along with those nerves comes stress. I can't help but stress about the little things. I am trying to get the house all set up perfectly, I am trying to find that perfect outfit in the closet, and I am trying to lose those few extra pounds. There is soo much to do, and little time to do it all. Its completely normal for me to have all these worries, and I can't help it. Its like something I am good at doing...worrying. I guess it helps pass the time, so it will get here sooner. Hopefully, I accomplish everything I want to accomplish before the time gets here.

Nothing else new right now; I am hoping everyone is enjoying the more updates I am making on the blog. I definitely love recieving the comments. The new layout should be done soon, and I am getting pumped more and more. Also, I have been having lots more questions being asked by readers, so I might create a Q&A link. What do you guys think about that? It could be kind of cool. Anyways; Until next time, later!