A Much Needed Bubble Bath

I would love that right about....now! I have not been able to take a bubble bath so I can relax in a very long time. It seems as though it is just a waste of time when I have so much on the to-do list to do.
I remember an old co-worker (massage therapist) gave me some stress reliever bath oil for one of my wedding presents to use the week I was getting married, and I loved it. I still have a little bit of it. It is some great stuff, and I can't think of a better time to use it (mid deployment).
So, when I have off on friday...my daily to-do list has bubble bath on it! Its on the list, so I can't ignore me time...along with a haircut!
Now, that I have a few trips done..I think its about time I stay a little closer to home for awhile. I have seen a lot this year, and I am forever grateful. I will be dedicating my time now to school and saving money. Gregg and I have a lot going on in the upcoming year (2011), and I want to be prepared for whatever life brings our way. I also need to be refocused on my school work. I have been slacking lately, doing only the bare minimum since I haven't been home a whole lot. This semester seems to be wanting a lot of my free time, and I just don't know if I have enough free time to dedicate to writing. Anyways, enough about school...
I have started to read a lot more before bed, and I absolutely love it! I just finished Secrets of a Shoe Addict, and I absolutely adored it! It had just about everything I like to read about it in it. Now, I am starting to read Twenties Girl. I am only 30 pages into it, so I haven't decided if I should keep reading or if its going to be something I am going to dread finishing. I am still waiting for the library to get Emily Giffin's new book out, and the book called Eat. Pray. Love...or however way it goes. The library is a little slow on recieving books here, so I have been waiting patiently.
I got to talk to Gregg again tonight, and it was so nice! I love when he is in a good mood, and the conversation just flows. We are both dying for Septemeber to get here, and it can't come any faster! Plans are still being made on what we will do, and I get more and more excited as the time comes. However, along with those nerves comes stress. I can't help but stress about the little things. I am trying to get the house all set up perfectly, I am trying to find that perfect outfit in the closet, and I am trying to lose those few extra pounds. There is soo much to do, and little time to do it all. Its completely normal for me to have all these worries, and I can't help it. Its like something I am good at doing...worrying. I guess it helps pass the time, so it will get here sooner. Hopefully, I accomplish everything I want to accomplish before the time gets here.
Nothing else new right now; I am hoping everyone is enjoying the more updates I am making on the blog. I definitely love recieving the comments. The new layout should be done soon, and I am getting pumped more and more. Also, I have been having lots more questions being asked by readers, so I might create a Q&A link. What do you guys think about that? It could be kind of cool. Anyways; Until next time, later!

hey...stop stressing so much or you'll turn into a grummpy old woman with heart problems and premature gray hair...ya...u need that bubble bath...
Do you want to turn out like your dad? LOL!!!
Love, Mom
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