Thursday, July 1, 2010

August Needs to Hurry!

On my way to work, I walked through the PX and decided to have some lunch. As I sat down with my meal, I began to look around. All I kept seeing were thousands of girlfriends in pairs of twos; doing their daily rituals, such as, shopping and having lunch dates together. I couldn't help but miss Justine. Justine is my other half when it comes to friends. She is always there for me, and I try to be the same with her. We met a little over three years ago, and are friendship has just grown to be stronger than ever.

During the deployment, she went home to spend time with her family and I wouldn't blame her. If I had a little one, I would want to go home so the grandparents can see their grandchild grow. It just hurts sometimes knowing I can't just call her up, and tell her to get her butt over to my house for some in depth chats. Justine has helped me through so much, and I am very thankful to have her in my life.

As I watched other girlfriends walk past me, I began to have a lump in my chest that wouldn't go away for a long time. The emotion came over me like a ligthening bolt and hit me hard. I am sure she feels the same way with me sometime because are chats online always end up having the "I wish you were here so we could _____." or "Even though I talked to you yesterday, I feel like I have talked to you in ages." {Justine and I probably can't go more than five hours without saying something when she is here}.

I just need August though. Justine will be back here beside me in August. We will have so much to catch up on, and so much to keep ourselves occupied. Gregg and Taylor {Justine's husband} worry about us when the Army decides to split us apart...And frankly, I am worried as well.

So, here is to Justine! My friend, My Partner in Crime, and my sister...
Hurry Home!!



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