Wow, when was the last time I posted ramblings/pictures of what is REALLY going on with me? I guess it has been forever, my bad. I would be lying to you if I said I have been SUPER BUSY, but I haven't. I have been enjoying much needed relaxtion time with my boys (Gregg and Jack).
Of course, the house is a mess to the point of embarressing, but I just don't have the motivation to get up and clean up because it always seems to be messy again due to the husband or friends coming over. So, if anyone would like to come over and give a helping hand, I would love you forever!
School is going tremendously amazing this time around. I started to slack a bit after a year, and once I saw that GPA drop, I freaked out and put my self in check. Right now, I have all A's in my classes.
My best friend, Justine, turned 25 this month! We went out with her and a couple of our friends to celebrate. Gregg didn't get to go because he was sick as a dog, but I brought him take out which put a smile on his face. We had dinner at Papa Joes which is sort of a Mexican place here in Italy. Its Mexican if you count marina sauce as your dipping choice and steak as your beef choice for your burritos or fajitas.
After dinner, we came back to Justine and Taylor's house for Cake and the game Scene It DVD. After a couple of hours, we got reenergized and decided to go out dancing! It was a lot of fun because I haven't gone out dancing in months, and that's just what I love to do!
I finally managed to get all Christmas presents bought, wrapped, shipped, and arrived at the intended destination before Christmas! I was so proud of myself considering I did a horrible job of it last year. Deployments really do mess your mind up quite a bit.
Gregg and I's movie collection has been growing about daily because bed laying, popcorn eating and movie watching is just about what we have been doing nonstop. I am also happy to say that I have added my favorite Christmas movie to the collection, Miracle on 34th Street.
We got a huge amount of snow for awhile. It was a lot to close post and close work. I am not a snow and cold person, but if I am able to be off work and still get paid, then bring it on!
I want to show you guys something I found the other day that I am very excited about, its my new Christmas pot holder. I love it because it is the only thing I have seen in Italy with the word "Merry Christmas" written in Italian. Italy has gotten very accustomed to just saying Merry Christmas now and have it on just about everything. So, when I saw this, I knew I had to buy it.

I also picked up our first poinsettia for our home. My family would always go out and buy a couple poinsettia's during Christmas time because they are so beautiful and truly make the Christmas decorating a lot more traditional. I am going to buy one every year now!

Gregg and I have been going out every now and then for drinks. I love it because it gets us out of the house, we catch up on things, and it gives us time to be together. I think a walk to our nearest cafe should be in order tomorrow morning...gotta love Italy and having cappuccino places on every corner.
Here are my boys tonight while watching Fight Club. Jack has his own little comfy tower going on while Gregg is nice and comfy receiving a foot massage. Life can't get any better for these two!

Okay, so that's about all my little head can remember. I'll try to stay in touch more, and I will have lots of pictures to update you with after Christmas. Have a very Merry Christmas everyone!

keep that poinsettia away from jack...the plant is lethal to pets....Merry Christmas!
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