Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thanksgiving Leftover Night

I have not posted in awhile...a lot has gone on in the past week with work and our friends and it has put Gregg and my stress level above the bar. I won't go into details, but I will post a couple of entries to let you know what "good stuff" has been going on in our lives.

The night after Thanksgiving, Taylor, Justine, and baby Logan came back over to help eat the millions of leftovers we had still left in the fridge. They were still just as good as the night before, and getting a little tipsy with friends just added to the fun night. We watched Face Off on this night, and it is still a great movie. I was saying to everyone, I think it was ten years ago, I first saw that movie. Every now and then, we bring out an oldie, and I think that was a great choice. Gregg and I said we should find Cool Runnings on DVD because that one will be our next, I think!

Anyways, back to my post, on this night, we introduced Logan to Jack (our dog). Jack has been itching to sniff out Logan now that Logan is getting bigger and making more noises. Logan just went to town! He loves Jack...I think a dog is going to be his new favorite thing. I snapped some pictures of them getting to know each other...Here they are:

Best Friends

Logan first petting Jack



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